This release contains a corrections requested by our customers. The new corrections and improvements can be found from Identity Server 2020.1 Release Notes

This patch contains an improvement:

  • An improvement has been made for CustomerID when used with User Driven Federation (UDF) during registration. SSN is checked during UDF authorization step in registration to verify that there is not already a user with same SSN in the system. Previously the user was able to proceed to the registration and register another user with same SSN which could result in registration error requiring administrators to clear database entries, depending on configuration setup.


These are improvements from the CID 5.5.4 application released within our IDS 2020.1 release.  Customers already utilizing CID 5.5.0 should review the 2020.1 Release notes (link above) to evaluate if this patch carries essential improvements for their environment. This improvement will be made generally available within the upcoming CID 5.9.0 release, to be available in the fall of 2021.

CustomerID 5.5.5 can be found in the following location:

Please contact your Integration Partner or Ubisecure Account Representative with any questions. Ubisecure encourages all customers to review and schedule service upgrade to this latest release. Bringing system flexibility and new features to ensure the best user experience possible for your businesses is our goal.