Legal Entity Identifiers

Organisation ID

Enable smarter and more reliable decisions about who to do business with

As the world’s largest accredited Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Issuer, Ubisecure makes it easy to register, manage and use verified organisation identity to meet regulation and enable trusted business relationships. Our unique position as an Organisation ID Provider with a wide range of Identity Management capabilities is driving adoption of the many new organisation identity-enabled use cases.

Ubisecure RapidLEIManage Legal Entity Identifiers

KYC/KYB Onboarding

Streamline Know Your Customer, Know Your Business client onboarding processes by eliminating duplicative workflows, saving time on manual reviews, and reducing bad entity data.

Reduce Partner & Supply Chain Risk

Gain an understanding of “who is who” and “who owns who” in counterparty transactions.

Meet Compliance

Over 300 regional and global regulations require the use of strong Organisation ID to properly identify parties and reduce fraud.

Organisation Governance Rights

By combining verified Individual IDs and Organisation IDs, organisation representatives can assert who they are, who they represent, and the rights they have when representing them.

#1 LEI Issuer

Issuing and managing more LEIs globally than any other accredited LEI Issuer. See LEI Stats

#1 for Data Quality

Consistently providing the most accurate legal entity reference data across the LEI ecosystem

250k+ Verified Organisations

Around the world using Ubisecure’s Organisation ID LEI service

GLEIF Accredited RapidLEI

LEI Code

Highly Assured Verified Organisation IDs

The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a 20 digit globally verified organisation identification code, endorsed by the G20 & Financial Stability Board, and references a live record of a verified organisation. LEIs are used to identify organisations in regulatory compliance, company governance, trades and transactions, but also now have wider use cases in enabling trusted global trade and supply chain.

In 2018 Ubisecure became an accredited (and is now the #1 LEI Issuer) LEI issuer under our RapidLEI service. The RapidLEI platform ensures organisations can obtain LEIs quickly, easily and accurately. Our algorithms do the heavy lifting – providing automation and accuracy, and reducing the total cost of ownership for the Legal Entity during the application process.

Learn about LEIs at

Organisation ID in Onboarding & KYC/KYB/AML

The LEI provides access to verified organisation reference data and connects the numerous different organisation regional and private identifiers used in Know Your Customer and Know Your Business. LEIs both improve and inform onboarding workflows.

Using LEIs in onboarding saves costs and has a measurable impact to people and staff productivity by reducing manual data checking, improving entity data quality. Service providers can view live, verifiable data about clients to ensure higher levels of trust for Customer Due Diligence (CDD).

Ubisecure offers LEI discovery, issuance and management. We also offer support for automated LEI issuance via the GLEIF approved Validation Agent framework. These solutions allow for automated use of accurate LEI reference data in KYC workflows.

Learn more – KYC solutions


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The Value of LEI Automation for Banks

How banks can unlock seamless counterparty trades and client lifecycle management using RapidLEI and the GLEIF Validation Agent program.

LEI for Banks

Organisation ID in Banking & Enterprise

Ubisecure makes it easy to not just issue LEIs, but also to discover, consolidate and manage both internal LEIs and LEIs for your banking clients. The LEI management portal provides instant status, reporting and analytics via a single dashboard to gain actionable insights into LEIs. Time spent managing LEIs is reduced, LEI subscription costs are lowered, and the risk of LEIs falling into lapsed state can be well mitigated.

There’s a reason the world’s most trusted banks choose Ubisecure RapidLEI.

“We have partnered with Ubisecure, and we are now a Validation Agent able to provide LEI to our clients, and it just made the process so much quicker and easier. And the feedback that we are receiving from onboarding is that clients are really grateful to have the service… And what benefit I can see from a client’s perspective is – they are going to have to go and get an LEI, but they also have to go through all of our onboarding KYC, sending us a lot of documentation. Who wants to do that twice? We can now get the LEI for them. So, it’s a win-win.”
Deborah Hardy, SVP Citi Bank

“We recognise the importance of LEI in global trade finance and participation in capital markets, so the provision of LEI services complements our business model and improves the level of service we offer our customers.”
Paul Mifsud, Managing Director at Sparkasse Bank Malta plc

LEI Banking Clients Ubisecure

Combining LEI and B2B IAM

Organisations can use their LEIs as an authentication method to assert authorised representation to reduce identity fraud and eliminate the costs associated with manual representation workflows.

LEI-based services, including the Verifiable Credential or vLEI, make it possible for individuals to authenticate themselves and assert their rights to represent their organization. Rights could be as simple as approved spending limits, or as comprehensive and complex as condition-based legal electronic power of attorney. Using the same concept as “Sign in with Apple” or “Log in with Facebook”, Right to Represent uses LEI-based accounts to authenticate an individual’s organisation identity, affiliation and rights.

ICC and C4DTI logo

“To help prepare the market for digitalised trade systems, C4DTI is launching a package of new services: [including] A national campaign in partnership with Ubisecure and the Global Legal Entity Identification Foundation (GLEIF) to promote the adoption of Legal Entity Identities (LEIs), the widely recognised and standardised organisation identifier. These will enable companies to speed up due diligence checks, reduce fraud and efficiently track secure transactions of goods and finance.”
ICC United Kingdom

The value of Organisation ID is here now, and growing

LEI Use Cases

Enabling new Organisation ID Use Cases

As a persistent unique key to verifiable “who is who” business data and “who owns whom” parental structures, FIs, trust service providers, Certification Authorities, and technology providers can get significant value from LEIs. Updated at least annually, LEIs will always offer an improved alternative over formats of static data, making the LEI critical for automated and efficient KYC/AML, onboarding and organisational identity assurance.

True B2B IAM: Global Movement Underway

Global Movement for Verified Organisations

The World Trade Organisation and the ICC are pushing to enable paperless trade leveraging the LEI. The eIDAS 2.0 EU digital wallet scheme will enable citizens to use the LEI to express relationships to organisations. The Globally Assured Identity Network (GAIN) also recognises the LEI as the entity identifier within its framework to allow for a transitive relationship between global networks.

Introducing RapidLEI

What is an LEI number? (Legal Entity Identifier)



Delivering true B2B Identity Management with IAM & LEI

Organisations are underserved and under-identified with no standard ability to express verified relationships. True B2B IAM can be achieved by combining strongly authenticated individuals with highly assured organisation identities.

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By the Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF)

The future of Legal Entity Identification

GLEIF report investigating the inefficiencies of onboarding processes for Banks. Explores the benefits of a standard method to identify legal entities.

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Finnish Government

How a nationwide identity management and delegation platform utilised Organisation Identity to reduce costs by 99%

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