Organisation ID in Banking & Enterprise
Ubisecure makes it easy to not just issue LEIs, but also to discover, consolidate and manage both internal LEIs and LEIs for your banking clients. The LEI management portal provides instant status, reporting and analytics via a single dashboard to gain actionable insights into LEIs. Time spent managing LEIs is reduced, LEI subscription costs are lowered, and the risk of LEIs falling into lapsed state can be well mitigated.
There’s a reason the world’s most trusted banks choose Ubisecure RapidLEI.
“We have partnered with Ubisecure, and we are now a Validation Agent able to provide LEI to our clients, and it just made the process so much quicker and easier. And the feedback that we are receiving from onboarding is that clients are really grateful to have the service… And what benefit I can see from a client’s perspective is – they are going to have to go and get an LEI, but they also have to go through all of our onboarding KYC, sending us a lot of documentation. Who wants to do that twice? We can now get the LEI for them. So, it’s a win-win.”
Deborah Hardy, SVP Citi Bank
“We recognise the importance of LEI in global trade finance and participation in capital markets, so the provision of LEI services complements our business model and improves the level of service we offer our customers.”
Paul Mifsud, Managing Director at Sparkasse Bank Malta plc