In recent weeks we’ve announced that Firma Pro is the first public Certificate Authority to start including Legal Entity Identifiers (LEI) within Qualified Certificates. This type of digital certificate uses LEIs to connect an individual to an organisation. The advantage to using such LEI-enabled digital certificates to sign documents is that it strongly ties the signer of the document to the legal entity they represent.

Verify, a free service developed by, is a simple web component that allows websites to display digitally signed PDFs and XBRL documents within the user’s browser, just by adding a couple of lines of code to your webpage. There is no need for visitors to install new plug-ins or applications to verify that the document is authentic and has not been modified. This unique approach means signed documents can be verified on the fly, across all devices, making them more available and therefore much more useful.

Verify does a fantastic job of making the document metadata human readable, including the LEI, in a modern, structured, and simple way. To illustrate below is the signed GLEIF annual report, added to this page using Verify by Hancock (give it a second to load and process the signatures, the GLEIF annual report is a large file):



In the Signatures tab, click on a Signer’s name, in this case Stephan Wolf the CEO of the GLEIF. Stephan’s organization’s LEI is displayed as a link to the official GLEIF identity record for the Legal Entity. In the Facts tab, each Fact metadata contains the signer’s organization displayed as an LEI and also linked to the official identity record.


How to display your LEI in signed documents

Register an LEI using RapidLEI’s automated issuance process. 

You will then need a LEI-enabled Qualified Certificate issued by a Ubisecure partner such as Firma Pro. 

Once issued, you can use a solution like Hancock to digitally sign the document using your LEI-enabled digital certificate.

Finally, to display your document to visitors, you can use the free Verify by Hancock to embed and display.


It’s amazing to see Ubisecure/RapidLEI partners drive continued innovation around LEI use cases.

Check out the LEI Marketplace for other LEI-enabled solutions.